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FITTO: measure, analyse & track your muscle growth (Oct 19, 2022 Gadgets & Wearables)

Jan 17, 2023 (view:5595)

FITTO is a device that is designed to provide greater insight into your fitness. It can help you precisely measure the results of your workouts to understand where exactly you are losing fat and gaining muscle.


To take a reading simply rest FITTO against a muscle. Inside are 8-wavelength NIR LED (Light-Emitting Diodes) that can measure oxy-hemoglobin, deoxy-hemoglobin, water, and lipid by looking at tissue absorption and scattering during photon migrations. The company says the device is safe, as evidenced by its use in hospitals to measure tissue chromophores. The electromagnetic wavelength that it emits ranges from 780 to 2500nm.


Assuming turning the prototype into the final product goes according to plan, a pledge of $179 will get FITTO delivered to your doorstep in December. That’s 40% off of what the device will sell for when it hits retail availability.

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